
Extreme Team Sports

2024 League Fundraiser

The Seller of Each Winning Ticket, Wins $50 (White Ticket) or $100 (Colored Ticket)

Raffle Winners Will Be Posted the Week Following the Drawing

(See Details Below)

Fundraiser is MANDATORY… All players (1 per family) are required to participate in the league fundraiser. Each player is required to sell 10 tickets (White). 5 additional “Bonus” tickets are provided as well.

Each ticket sold is also an opportunity for the player (seller) to win $$.

                       Player that sells a “white” winning ticket… Wins $50                          Player that sells a “Bonus or Colored” winning ticket… Wins $100. 

All 10 “white” tickets MUST be sold before any “colored” tickets are sold 

Any player that does not sell his/her allotted amount (10), will not be eligible to advance to the playoffs with their team

Thank You for supporting our league fundraiser!

Buyers & Sellers contact information must be provided on the ticket stubs. If Seller has sibling playing in the league, he/she (the sibling) is not required to participate in fundraiser.

* All information must be provided on the front of envelope.

* Ticket Stub must be separated from tickets.

            Envelopes must be turned in to your Coach or Team Mom.              Envelopes will then be turned in, to a league administrator.

Raffle Tickets/Skills & Pass Competition Information –

Each Player is required to sell raffle tickets. Twenty (10) is the allotted amount each participant is required to sell.
Any player that does not sell his/her allotted amount, will not be eligible to advance with their team to the Playoffs.

1. Each player receives 15 tickets – 10 is the allotted amount each player is required to sell.

Five additional tickets (colored) have been added to Player’s allotment..

2. The seller (Player) of each winning raffle ticket will win $50 (White Tickets), $100 (Colored Bonus Tickets).
Player (seller) must write his/her name and team name on lines provided on ticket stubs.

** Note:White Tickets Must Be Sold Before Selling The Blue Tickets…..
3. All ticket stubs and money must be turned in no later than Saturday- October. 19, 2024.

* Any un-sold tickets must be turned back in.
Return envelope with ticket stubs and money to Coach or Team Mom.
Coach or Team Mom will turn team’s envelopes in together.

4. On the front of envelope, each Player needs to write his/her :
Name (first and last), Team Name, Age Div., Coach’s Name and Total Dollar amount.

5. Due to the amount of checks being returned (NSF). Checks will no longer be accepted.
Please have cash converted to the least number of bills possible.

6. Unless posted otherwise…The Raffle Drawings will be Saturday, November. 23, 2024 – During the SUPERBOWL GAMES .

*** Any player that does not sell his/her allotment of raffle tickets Will Not be eligible to advance with team to the playoffs. ***
*** Any un-sold tickets must be turned back in!!! ***